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Premenstrual SyndromePremenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition familiar to many people who menstruate. It is estimated to affect up to 80% of menstruating people. Also known as ovarian cycle syndrome or premenstrual tension, it's defined as a set of symptoms (e.g., moodiness, bloating, breast tenderness) that comes on a few days before the start of a menstrual period. Unfortunately, PMS is poorly understood.

Different people will experience different PMS symptoms, and not every menstruating person experiences PMS. For some, PMS may cause major discomfort and even disrupt normal activities. Some are totally unaffected and feel perfectly fine during the days leading up to menstruation.

Other people who menstruate (roughly 5%) may have a more severe form of PMS called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). People with this form of PMS may suffer severe depression, anger, or low self-esteem along with other symptoms.

Menstrual cycles are controlled by a complex interaction of female hormones. These hormones help initiate menstruation during puberty, determine the rhythm and length of menstrual periods during childbearing years, and signal the end of menstruation at menopause. Hormonal control of menstruation involves the brain, pituitary gland, and ovaries.

The exact cause of PMS is unknown. It's thought to be related to changes in the level of specific hormones. A few studies suggest that PMS symptoms are linked to premenstrual fluctuations in a brain chemical called serotonin and increased sensitivity to the hormone progesterone. Other studies suggest that the hormone estrogen causes fluid retention, which probably explains the temporary weight gain, breast tenderness, and bloating experienced by many people with PMS. Recent research suggests that people with PMS may metabolize progesterone differently. Other hormonal and metabolic changes may also be involved, but further research is needed.

Other possible factors that may be associated with PMS symptoms include:

If you suffer from PMS, you may experience different types of symptoms than your parent, your sibling, or a ffriend. Even if your symptoms are the same as someone else's, you may experience them more or less intensely. Your symptoms may vary from menstrual period to menstrual period and may change over the years. For some people, symptoms are intense but short-lived. Others may have to interrupt their normal routines because of the symptoms they experience.

Symptoms can last anywhere from a few hours to 2 weeks before the start of a menstrual period, with an average duration of 6 days per month. They usually start to go away when your period begins. In people close to menopause, symptoms may continue through and after a menstrual period. Some people go on to have painful periods after experiencing PMS. Teenagers, for example, often have very painful periods after PMS, but this trend usually disappears as they get older.

PMS symptoms can be grouped into 3 categories:

Physical changes

Mood changes

Mental changes

Complications usually involve existing medical conditions that are made worse by PMS. Allergies or eye problems may be more severe, and people who have epilepsy may have more seizures than usual. Those who have lupus or rheumatoid arthritis may experience flare-ups during this time.

PMS is a condition that's largely self-diagnosed. This means that people tend to label themselves with PMS without actually seeing a doctor. Because PMS symptoms tend to reappear with every menstrual cycle, it becomes easy to recognize them. Those close to you may also notice differences in your behaviour.

A doctor may diagnose PMS if you tend to have many of the symptoms listed previously. The diagnosis of PMS includes a detailed history, checking for menstrual regularity, ovulation, and hormonal fluctuations, and in some cases looking for possible psychiatric disorders (such as depression).

It is often useful for menstruating people to chart their symptoms on a calendar to see if the symptoms are cyclical or last the entire month. This helps distinguish PMS from depression.

Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle generally help with PMS. Getting enough rest and sleep is also important. Speaking with your doctor may help remove fears surrounding this diagnosis. A combination of one or more of the following treatments may help relieve symptoms:

Medications: Taking oral contraceptives or other hormone medications may help stabilize the changes in hormone levels and stop ovulation. Bloating and water retention can be improved by cutting down on salt and by using a mild diuretic that will make you urinate, such as spironolactone. Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatories such as naproxen, or ibuprofen can help relieve headaches, joint pain, and menstrual cramping. The antidepressant medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are widely used to manage psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression. These antidepressants have been proven to help manage PMS. However, you need to discuss this with your doctor first before starting any medication or herbal remedy to make sure it's appropriate and safe for you.

Changes in diet: Cutting back on soda, caffeine, and alcohol may provide some relief from symptoms. Consuming less sugar and salt may also help. Taking supplements containing calcium, magnesium, soy, vitamin B6, and vitamin E may reduce certain symptoms. Some people use certain herbal products such as evening primrose oil, St. John's wort, and chasteberry to decrease their symptoms; however, the effectiveness of such products is not known. Always talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking a vitamin, supplement, or herbal product.

Exercise: Regular moderate exercise and stress reduction techniques may decrease nervousness and agitation, as well as reduce some symptoms associated with PMS.

Counselling: Speaking to a counsellor may help some people cope better with the psychological effects of PMS.

Keeping a symptom diary can give you and your doctor a better picture of your symptoms and help you evaluate the effects of different treatments.

*All medications have both common (generic) and brand names. The brand name is what a specific manufacturer calls the product (e.g., Tylenol®). The common name is the medical name for the medication (e.g., acetaminophen). A medication may have many brand names, but only one common name. This article lists medications by their common names. For information on a given medication, check our Drug Information database. For more information on brand names, speak with your doctor or pharmacist.